DME MPL Systems

D-M-E Multi-Parting Line Systems

Comprehensive options for high-productivity
Today°Os plastics processor has to do more with less (R)C less labor, le capital investment, less floor space, and less time. Multi-Parting Line (MPL) systems double the cavitation of a standard single-face mold without an increase in machine tonnage. Key benefits of MPL systems include:
Cost-effective solution for increasing capacity
Optimum use of shop floor space and machine capacity
Expanded molding capacity without capital expenditures
Multi Parting Line systems are ideally suited for automotive, housewares, caps and closures, cutlery, and electronic parts.
D-M-E, in collaboration with Milacron, offers an industry-leading range of MPL systems, including:
-Stack Molds
(R)C Rack & Gea
(R)C Spline & Nu
(R)C Harmonic Arm
- Tandem Molds
- Dual Mold Carriers
- Turnkey solutions
-Injection molding presses specifically designed for MPL mold systems
- Design Services (R)C design assistance or complete system desig
With D-M-E MPL systems (R)C the choice is yours. Our systems feature complet flexibility (R)C built around a family of product standards that simplif implementation. Only D-M-E gives you this wide range of choices. And, because they°Ore from D-M-E, you can expect reliability, advance engineering, and outstanding performance.
D-M-E delivers critical expertise with mold technology, while Milacron offers high-performance injection molding machinery when the application demands it. The combination is unbeatable.

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